Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Day 3

Today I showed EVA this weird thing I found at the dump, she looked at it and took. Then EVA did something really weird, now she won't work, I tried everything I could think of. I left her alone for 1 minute, then something came and picked her up, the good thing is that I caught a ride before it could take off. The Misterious object took off dragging me behind it, the object then crossed apon some weird black stuff. The mysterious object stopped at some unusual place where they took EVA and checked her out. I followed EVA into the unusual place and took a look around, there is people everywere and they look a little weird to me. Then EVA took off again, I followed her to a place where a man was sleeping, the man woke up and I massaged his feet. Then EVA woke up and her pressed a button that made some screen thing pop up.

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