Wednesday, December 15, 2010

Day 4

Today I found out that the object that EVA is carrying is vital for the people on the ship to go back to earth with. The captain was very suprised of what Eva has found. The captain opened up EVA but there was no plant inside. He ordered us to the diognosics room where they took EVA and did something with her, I rushed in thinking I could help but it looked like EVA did not want my help. So I took her rocket blasting thingy because the othr robots were trying to attack me. So now we are in big trouble with the robots and they are looking for us. EVA was very pissed off at me and she tried to make me go home to earth. She then decided that I could stay, but then I accidentally pressed the self destruct button and I was shot out into space. EVA when after me to try to save me, I got out of the ship just before it blew up so i was lucky. We when back to the ship to give the plant to the captain and the robot thing got mad at us. my day kind of sucked because we were doing lots of running which really tires me out.

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